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Increase Energy Levels With Aquatic Therapy

| Posted in: Aquatic Therapy, HydroWorx, underwater Treadmill Resources, Water Therapy, Water Treadmill

Summer time and warmer weather typically mean more outdoor activities. For older adults with mobility and balance issues, this can cause a great deal of difficulty. Outdoor gardening, walking, golfing and other activities are often more appealing as the weather warms up, however they require more strength and stability than we give credit.  One way to build muscle strength […]

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Effectively Addressing Issues Related to Lack of Mobility for Seniors

| Posted in: Aging

One of the realities of working with a population of seniors is that the majority of them will face mobility issues.  For some, the lack of mobility is temporary, as in the case of a client who is returning from surgery. Yet others have permanent mobility concerns that can be mitigated, but are unlikely to […]

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Hydrotherapy For Traumatic Brain Injury | Case Study

| Posted in: Aquatic Therapy Protocols, Physical Therapy, underwater Treadmill Resources, Water Therapy, Water Treadmill

Steve was in a horrific motorcycle accident. He and his girlfriend were on their motorcycle, stopped at a red light behind a pickup truck when a drunk driver missed the stop and pinned them against the truck in front of them. His girlfriend was killed at the scene. Stevewas severely injured including a traumatic brain injury which caused […]

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Meet Chuck, A HydroWorx Hero

| Posted in: Aquatic Therapy, Uncategorized

We know you don’t take the word “hero” lightly.  Neither do we.  To us, a hero is someone who overcomes great odds, perseveres in the face of challenges and gives hope to everyone who hears his story.  In other words, a person like Chuck. Chuck regularly exercises his lower and upper extremities in the HydroWorx […]

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Increase Medicare Revenue with Aquatic Therapy

| Posted in: Aquatic Therapy, Physical Therapy, underwater Treadmill Resources, Water Therapy, Water Treadmill

Senior-focused health care centers such as skilled nursing centers must continue to grow and expand their revenue in this increasingly competitive market. When looking for ways to attract additional inpatient and outpatient Medicare populations, Westview Health Care Center looked at aquatic therapy as a way to positively impact their brand image and revenue. How Aquatic […]

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Early Post-Op Aquatic Therapy Can Be Key to Avoiding Psychological Barriers to Recovery

| Posted in: Aquatic Therapy, HydroWorx, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Tips, underwater Treadmill Resources, Water Therapy

Every physical therapist will admit that there is a psychological component to patient success when it comes to returning to activity after surgery. Patients with a positive outlook and experience will exhibit more willingness to push themselves than those who have a pessimistic approach to physical and occupational therapy. One of the main barriers to […]

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Low-Impact Activity Can Help Reduce Sarcopenia and Risk of Fractures

| Posted in: Uncategorized

Sarcopenia is the technical term for what most of us refer to as muscle loss. Individuals over 40 may start to experience this phenomenon, and many will simply assume it’s a natural part of the aging process. Surprisingly, it’s not. As a recent article from the well-respected Andrews Institute explains, muscle loss is not something […]

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Aquatic Therapy For Injury Prevention In Young Athletes

| Posted in: Uncategorized

Many young athletes are eagerly involved in training for their preferred sports year round. Baseball players are hitting the field, track and field stars are increasing their stamina and soccer enthusiasts are earnestly working on their skills. Most middle and high school students, as well as those in college, have a commonly-shared belief that they […]

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4 Underwater Running Truths Every Track Athlete Should Know

| Posted in: News Stories

4 Underwater Running Truths Every Track Athlete Should Know The track and field season is starting at a fast, furious gait and athletes from around the world will compete for personal, school, state and national fame. Those who want to reach their potentials may want to follow in the footsteps of those who have come […]

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| Posted in: Aquatic Therapy, HydroWorx, Water Therapy, Water Treadmill, Webinars

On March 8, 2016, we hosted the webinar, “Geriathletics: Training Competitive Athletes Over 65 with High Intensity Underwater.” Mike Studer, President and Co-owner of Northwest Rehabilitation Associates located in Salem, Oregon, presented key information to tailor aquatic programs for senior competitive senior athletes involved in activities such as recreational running and even triathlons. Mike has been […]

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