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Awaiting Elective Surgery: 10 Things You Can Do In Preparation

COVID-19 delayed multiple non-essential surgeries causing many to wonder what they can do to minimize their pain and stay healthy until they can schedule their surgeries.

10 Things To Do While Awaiting Surgery

  1. Speak to your health care provider about the pros and cons of getting vaccinated for COVID.
  2. Continue good hygiene. Wash your hands often and avoid close contact with individuals that are ill or not feeling well.
  3. Drink 8- 10 glasses of water a day unless you have been instructed to restrict your fluid intake.  Maintaining good hydration helps your major organs and tissues function optimally.
  4. Commit to eating healthy. Maintain a high-protein, low-carbohydrates diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fueling your body with healthy options will prepare you for surgery and increase your immune system decreasing your risk for illness. 
  5. Seek physical therapy to assist with pain management options. Physical therapy will also help you learn how to complete daily activities safely to prevent additional injures and to get started with a strengthening program.
  6.  Keep moving! Look for community pool options or wellness programs where you are able to take advantage of water walking, exercise or stretching in a pain-free, safe setting. Aquatic exercising provides a variety of benefits before and after surgery. Water decreases swelling, supports your joints and helps relax your mind and body.
  7. Find a support partner or work out buddy. Being active with a friend can help keep you motivated and accountable. Also, it can help distract you and make tough activities more enjoyable.
  8. Practice stress relief techniques such as meditation, stretching or deep breathing. This can assist with pain management as well decrease any mental exhaustion caused by a delayed surgery.
  9. ​ Make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep. Regular rest can boost your immune system while also increasing your mood and memory.
  10. Live your best life! Avoid stressing and consuming your thoughts on when your surgery will be scheduled. Stay positive and do things that you enjoy every day. Connect with loved one, take up a new fun hobby and embrace the things that make you smile.

This post was last modified on January 30, 2024 11:24 am


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